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Friday, August 9, 2013

The horse school

Many things happen in the horse schools and the rest of the world never knows that. It could be either bear attacks, or intimidating phone calls from the bears, but we don't know that yet. But, we do know that horses are kinda getting ready with their famous poker face. They also have a guard that tells them when the attack of the bears is going to happen, not even by using words. Well, that really grinds my gears. How are they able to do such things? Who knows, maybe horses do know telepathy.

SOON we are gonna land the moon
Well, this is one of their telepathy guards that saved many little horses by using its unnatural skills to either fight the bears or warn his fellow horses that danger is near, so they can all run in their barns etc. But bears aren't easy targets as they seem to be carrying machine guns and shooting lasers through their eyes.
We want horse meat  ;)
Bears like going in packs or battalions, armed with machine guns and stuff, killing horses because their land is currently being infested by Kermit the frog that steals their forest and makes a decent bear lose his own house material. Bears can not stop this frog due to the big bear depression that stroke the bear society not long ago.

Bears stand no chance. Yaaaaay! : ( ) 
His scary face makes me go run from the screen, but bears would probably make a soup out of him if it wasn't for the bear depression that they are experiencing right now. So, basically, Kermit kidnapped little bear cubs and forced them into hard labor and other personal pleasures.

Warning: IF you are a bear, then at the moon you shall stare : < >