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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Squirrel ramp

So, I was thinking if squirrels would build ramps, where would it be? Would it be some cold mountains or the North Korean and South Korean border? We are yet to find out about these fascinating animals that make me smile more then when I see some sick picture on the Internet and then later I make a post about it. So these guys basically could make ramps and actually add some laws in their homeland.

Stopping the nuclear war like a squirrel.

So, when they make a border, I guess there's always some good old intention for doing that. Probably the agenda they have, helping the sides calm down and such, like not making them go into rage when they are missing as their birthday gift. Also, these guys made a nice song for some Rose mobile phones. I guess the song goes like "Roses are red, I got a phone, nobody texts me, forever alone". It's a nice song I guess... kinda makes you think.

Right moment to use the right hand when you are alone.
Well, I guess he had a lot of enjoyment alone so he started crying. By the look of his face, he is lacking calcium and possibly vitamin B or he ate a lot of dog hair. Maybe this guy actually saw something crazy and nasty like a horse in a car.

Horse in your car, stealing your ashtray and radio.

So, a horse in your goddamn car should be the reason why you should put the bars on your front window, unless you want your ashtray or radio being stolen by the evil horse from the land of wild horses. With no future, the horses that do drugs every day, make me shred a tear and make me think about those poor things trying to make a living out of radios and ashtrays.

Warning: If a horse jumped in your car, then buy bars for the front window | | |

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